Shirley Baby 2023 IVF support
Shirley Baby 2023 IVF support
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Bricen Shirley is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Bricen and my Wife’s name is Kalli. I have cystic fibrosis and due to my genetic disease I am infertile. Most males with CF, roughly 98%, are infertile due to our vas defrens either being blocked or they just don’t form making it impossible for our “product to leave our factory”. In hopes of defying the odds, my wife and I have been trying to get pregnant for two years now without success. We have started the process of ivf with a fertility clinic, and they were able to retrieve my specimen and freeze it.
Now we need need some help pushing this pass the finish line. My wife and I would appreciate it if you could help us reach our financial goal so that we can continue with egg retrieval and implantation. Help us make our dream of parenthood come true. Anything you can give, even just sharing our fundraiser would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read our story and if u decided to donate a super thank you to you!!
Donation ammount
Hey everyone! We want to thank y'all for donating had some people donate to us via mail and in person so I want to give yall and accurate donation count we currently have been donated $4,170, thank you again to everyone that donated!!
Name | Donation | Date |
Taylor Lytle | $50.00 | December 28, 2022 |
Melony Caudle | $100.00 | November 29, 2022 |
Douglass Richlin | $100.00 | November 21, 2022 |
Joanne DeMary | $10.00 | November 15, 2022 |
Willard Tammy | $100.00 | November 14, 2022 |
Miranda Robinson | $50.00 | November 13, 2022 |
Joseline Valenzuela | $40.00 | November 11, 2022 |
Marina Contreras | $50.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Marisol Carbajal | $50.00 | November 09, 2022 |
India Rios | $10.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Bonnie Erickson Erickson | $1,000.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Anonymous | $20.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Colleen Borja | $70.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Kyra Colgrove | $20.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Einat Ezra | $50.00 | November 08, 2022 |
Jessica Richlin | $500.00 | November 08, 2022 |

Donate to this campaign:
Bricen Shirley is organizing this fundraiser.